Sunday, 24 June 2007


I am going home! Only two days left and we will be on our way with a short stay in Paris. We are heading west to Brittany, hence the flowers (Hydrangea is a kind of national flower there where most of them are blue and huge 4 meters high and 4 meters wide). My Hydrangea don´t get that big and turn all pink, still I like them.

Before I go, I will show two small quilts I made to try a method to make curves without sewing round seams. It is a folding method where a lot of pieces are made out of a square folded diagonally in two. When you fold back that diagonal, it gives a curve as it is on the bias.

The first quit is machine sewed and machine quilted with a variegated gold thread which sparkles very nicely against the black fabric.
The second one is machine sewed and machine quilted in the ditch.

I hope my explanations were clear! It is hard to explain in a few words and without being able to show face to face.
If any interest is there, I could make a tutorial but first after my holidays!
I will be gone about three weeks without computer. I will try to take some pictures though as I have a few quilts in France as well which I haven´t photographed with my digi camera yet.
I wish you all a nice month of July.

Sunday, 17 June 2007


I don´t have much to tell this week about quilting. The summer holidays are next week and in the last days we have much to do. In 10 days we are leaving for France and before that a lot of things need to be organized. Anyway, I still had time to go to my LQS as I wanted to buy some fabric for a dear friend and then I saw these sweeties and I had to have them. I don´t know yet what I will do with them, maybe a bag?!

In between I knitted some socks for my DS. It seems I can see his feet growing at the moment and next winter is around the corner (said she, sweating under the burning sun!).

I am still quilting with my new hoop (a dream!) but it will still take some time before my basket quilt is finished.
I wish you all a nice week with a lot of time for your favorite passtime.

Saturday, 9 June 2007


At the beginning of the week, I had my birthday and that´s what I received from my DH! A great quilting hoop, I can move it the way I want, I can turn the hoop without turning the foot, I can bend it at every angle, it is a bliss!

On the second picture, the quilt I am quilting at the moment, now I have no excuse for not quilting it anymore!
The card is from my DM. She made it herself with ribbon embroidery and I like it very much. Beside is a little pouch I made after seeing this . It was fun and quite fast (not as fast as what the woman said on the video though!). I don´t know yet what I will do with that pouch, probably give it as a presie to somebody.
I made the cushion cover for my DS (she has a cushion tic!). It is redwork and from Rosalie Quinlan Designs which I modified a bit.
It was the first time I did redwork embroidery but I enjoyed it so much, I will certainly make some more.
Thanks a lot for the kind comments on my mother´s work. She was very pleased with them and she is thinking even more of getting her own blog.
I won´t stop her!
I wish you a restful Sunday full of quilting time.

Saturday, 2 June 2007


In France, tomorrow (!) is Mother´s Day. My mother is a quilter as well, I gave her the quilting virus some time ago and now that she is a pensioner, she has more time to devote to that great passtime. I thought it would be nice to show today some of her works as she hasn´t got a blog (yet!). As we live 1000 km apart we don´t see each other that often and I can´t admire her projects. But now she has a digi camera and learned to send the pictures per mail so here is HER show:

The first quilt is a BOM from her quilt group, she told me she had had some problems with some of the blocks as the pieces were so tiny but I think she did well and I find her quilting very nice in this quilt.

The second quilt was made after a swap I think (!). I am very lucky because my mother told me I could have this quilt as it goes so well in our TV-room (you know the red and cream one!).

Here are some bags. The first one was made for my DB´s girlfriend (the lucky one!). The pink pouch was made during an ribbon embroidery workshop my mother took part in. She was quilte disappointed after that workshop as she thought she hadn´t had learnt enough. She is a quick learner and the teacher was very reluctant at showing more than 3 or 4 different stitches which my mother found a bit too few. the third bag has a funny history. I made first a bag like that to my mother for Christmas, then I liked it so much that I made another one for me as well. And my mother liked it so much as well that she made ANOTHER ONE. Aren´t quilters a bit mad, well we definitely are, my mother and I.
The last pouches were made during a regional quilting meeting my mother attended to and they are exactly the same as some I showed some time ago, crazy! I hope you will leave a lot of comments so that I can convince my Mum of having her own blog where she can show all her nice works!
So once again: BONNE FÊTE MAMAN!